Our Approach

Ibrize Al-Sharq Contracting & Maintenance Company has been providing services since 2010. These services are related to the health sector, especially the pharmaceutical and vaccine industry. The company construction and maintenance works are specialized in the hygienic facilities such as vaccine factories, laboratories and clean rooms, based on the highest quality standards required by this sensitive sector.

Our Services

The Government of Saudi Arabia has taken rapid steps in the field of agricultural development to diversify sources of income….

Ibrize can assist the Livestock Farmers / Fraternity in providing disease diagnosis for a wide range of infections affecting the livestock…

Initially, a construction team was created to build the vaccine factory owned by the Ministry of Agriculture, which was successfully completed…

Due to the increased need for operation and maintenance in large number of the company’s projects…

Our Partners

How we can help you?
If you want to get to know us better or learn what we can for you, ask our experts.